y o u r b o n e s h a v e b e e n m y b e d f r a m e
i a m s m a l l
a n d y o u r f l e s h h a s b e e n m y p i l l o w
2:42 p.m. || 11.28.04 || 25 things

yesterday jackie made a list of 25 things she was grateful for. i think that's a good idea. a nice change from the stomach-turning girliness of my last entry. here goes...

1. hot pink. very sexy and makes everyone's skin look fabulous.
2. my city in christmastime. i know the decorations on the sad little bushes on market street are tacky and tasteless, but i love them nonetheless.
3. bookstores.
4. having not just a real mom, but several mother-figures in my life who either take care of me or who i can turn to when i'm having a break down. such women include my godmother, my aunt helene, and jackie.
5. chocolate. 'nuff said.
6. being 21. it's expensive and abrasive on my poor little liver, but much more fun than i ever could have imagined.
7. sex. sex. more sex. and being in love.
8. my grandmother's house.
9. white cranberries.
10. bing crosby and danny kaye.
11. the beach at night.
12. my apartment and a wonderful roommate like jeffrey.
13. art. the center of the universe and the most important thing in the world.
14. when babies laugh.
15. tiny dogs in tiny sweaters.
16. my insane family... including my friends.
17. my guitars.
18. holding john when we sleep.
19. photo albums.
20. coffee and tea.
21. halloween.
22. happy tears.
23. knowing meghan sharp.
24. having humble intelligence.
25. looking back without regret.


a little while later...

i decided that 25 wasn't a long enough list. so... here's some more.

26. marijuana.
27. cherry coke.
28. a comfortable bed that smells like john.
29. the drunk quotes.
30. my cell phone.

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ok goodbye forreal - 01.13.05
bye bye mess. - 01.05.05
hmm - 01.05.05
and the rest of you SUCK - 01.04.05
y'all missed out - 01.03.05


n e w . o l d . b o o k . n o t e s . e m a i l . p r o f i l e . m e . c a s t . p i c s . p a g e i n f o . d l a n d
b o t h h a n d s ,
p l e a s e u s e b o t h h a n d s
o h n o d o n t c l o s e y o u r e y e s