y o u r b o n e s h a v e b e e n m y b e d f r a m e
i a m s m a l l
a n d y o u r f l e s h h a s b e e n m y p i l l o w
3:20 p.m. || 10.12.03 || i love these girls

Miakeish: hi
Auto response from soundlikesunday: wooooo hooooo!!!
Miakeish: you are here.
Miakeish: in my dorm.
Miakeish: well in teh shower.
Miakeish: sexy.
Miakeish: OH YEAH SEXY.
Miakeish: right right right right.
Miakeish: the drunk bus was so much fun.
Miakeish: we are so cool.
Miakeish: lia and kristin know how to party right.
Miakeish: we shoudl write a book on how to party.
Miakeish: and sell it.
Miakeish: and make ltos of money
Miakeish: so then we'd be really rich.
Miakeish: and can throw alot of parties.
Miakeish: and then write books on those parties.
Miakeish: see the cycle i'm getting at here?
Miakeish: one book could be a memoir of drunk bus stories. ha.
Miakeish: we are awesome.
Miakeish: AWESOME.
Miakeish: A
Miakeish: W
Miakeish: E
Miakeish: S
Miakeish: O
Miakeish: M
Miakeish: E
Miakeish: i love me some kristin!
Miakeish: by the time you get this, you'll be at home.
Miakeish: so i would just to like to end this sleu of instant messages
Miakeish: by saying
Miakeish: i miss you already :-(
Miakeish: muah.
Miakeish: bye my love.

meghan owns you: so do you know why my desk drawer is out of the desk and sitting on the chair?
meghan owns you: bnecause i have no idea. lol.
soundlikesunday: yeah. i do.
soundlikesunday: it was me.
soundlikesunday: boo me.
meghan owns you: kristin
meghan owns you: tsk tsk
soundlikesunday: sorry lol
soundlikesunday: when i did it last nite, i couldn't stop laughing long enough to put it back.
soundlikesunday: and i forgot this morning
meghan owns you: haha when did you do it?
meghan owns you: where was i for this?
soundlikesunday: it was after we were laying on the bathroom floor
soundlikesunday: rachel was passed out, lia was on her way, i needed a pen to write down quotes, ripped the drawer out and couldn't control my very drunken guffawing and pissed lia off. rachel did not wake up.
meghan owns you: lol omg
meghan owns you: thats beautiful
soundlikesunday: i know
meghan owns you: its still sitting on my chair.
soundlikesunday: it was the most fun i've had with a desk in my life
soundlikesunday: LOL
meghan owns you: i dont know if im ever going to put it back in.
soundlikesunday: oh please dont
meghan owns you: haha im glad my desk gave you pleasure

meghan owns you: lol he was cute
meghan owns you: definitely cute
soundlikesunday: yeah?
soundlikesunday: that makes me happy
meghan owns you: you should be happy
meghan owns you: how is your nipple?
soundlikesunday: HAHAHAHAH
meghan owns you: "damaged goods" if you wil
meghan owns you: l

meghan owns you: omg. if i had talked to hank more earlier i wouldve loved him irrationally.
soundlikesunday: ME TOO
meghan owns you: haha yaaaaaay

meghan owns you: i go tit
meghan owns you: i got it..
soundlikesunday: you go titi!
soundlikesunday: aw shit
soundlikesunday: i fucked it up
soundlikesunday: i'm cryin over here

soundlikesunday: so you can have phil, i'll take brian, rachel gets bilbo.... and lia gets squirrel bitch.
soundlikesunday: and we can all share hank.
meghan owns you: mmmm
meghan owns you: hank
soundlikesunday: mmm hank-idy goodness.
soundlikesunday: hanky panky goodness
soundlikesunday: make it stop.

<< | >>
ok goodbye forreal - 01.13.05
bye bye mess. - 01.05.05
hmm - 01.05.05
and the rest of you SUCK - 01.04.05
y'all missed out - 01.03.05


n e w . o l d . b o o k . n o t e s . e m a i l . p r o f i l e . m e . c a s t . p i c s . p a g e i n f o . d l a n d
b o t h h a n d s ,
p l e a s e u s e b o t h h a n d s
o h n o d o n t c l o s e y o u r e y e s