y o u r b o n e s h a v e b e e n m y b e d f r a m e
i a m s m a l l
a n d y o u r f l e s h h a s b e e n m y p i l l o w
5:36 p.m. || 10.13.03 || east to west college girls are easy...

i know there are 2 comments links below, i'm just playing around with something, use either one if you feel so inclined. it'll be back to normal shortly. wee.

i'm going to try and clarify the past two entries for anyone who still reads this after that travesty, haha.

needless to say, it was a crazy weekend. one of the best times i've ever had with friends, but still crazy.

i just wanted to go up to rutgers to go see meghan and lia, because i missed them severely. but it turned into this huge thing which was fine with me. wyatt and i took the train up together [he broke his foot, i felt the need to supervise]. angie and rachel drove up. dinner after train ride. good chocolate cheesecake cupcakes after dinner courtesy of ang's mom.

we went to lambda kappa alpha. awesome party. there were black lights in the ceiling. i was wearing a hot pink shirt and i have a bleach blonde stripe in my hair, so every time i went under them to dance, my hair, my shirt and everything else on me glowed. i looked really freaky. anyway, great party. lia and i went up to the bathroom, but the cops showed up, so i ran back downstairs to let my friends know. music went off, i freaked out. we finally started getting snuck out the back door by this wonderful frat brother who i almost accosted for telling us we were beautiful. poor wyatt had to hop over a fence on crutches. i caught up with ang, meghan, and lia and we met this guy phil who was scottish and pretty. he was trying to get us to go back to his friends' house, and we were really drunk so we agreed to it. we didn't end up going, though. we just kept talking to him. i liked phil. lia, meghan, rachel and i went back to meghan's dorm to eat more chocolate cheesecake cupcakes and laugh. i was pretty drunk, hence the journal entry.

the absolute best part of the nite was afterwards. i was staying with lia, who lives on a differnt part of campus, which involves taking a bus to. the last bus comes at 3:30 am. lia and i missed it. wonderful. lia called thr drunk bus to come and pick us up. let me tell you - you have no idea. it was so much fun. just picture a little white bus filled with about 10 drunk people and an insane driver doing 85 on the highway. every time he would come to a stop, he would slam the brakes on, so we all went flying towards the front of the bus, so this guy who had won a beer pong contest kept landing in my lap. which is dangerous when i'm drunk. the driver did a donut at one point. "get low" came on the radio, which lia and i both love, so all hell broke loose after that.

slept till 1. met up with everyone else, ate, went to meghan's, took naps. i had ethnic studies - i was forced to memorise all the words to "4 my people" by missy. great song. ate at wendy's. went back to lia's to shower and change. met up with everyone.

we went to a house party first, which any guy would have liked because they had jello wrestling going on. it was disgusting. i watched vicky kick ass at beer pong. lia, meghan, and rachel [a different rachel] wanted to leave, but i wouldn't leave until i was intoxicated, because i had a feeling we weren't going to find another party. we finally leave vicky and wyatt and go to this frat, sigma phi epsilon. it's called the mansion and this is why. we went in, danced to a song, and found out there were no more cups. fuck that. meghan and i left to go buy water at the grease trucks. we dumped the water out and went back to the frat, but they wouldn't let us in, because they were shutting down the party. finally lia and rachel come out. we decide to go back to the house party, because most of us were sobering up. we're on our way when we run into wyatt and vicky, who tell us the party was busted by the cops. fuck.

we eventually split off from wyatt and vicky [it took some convincing on the girls' part to get me to stay] to walk frat row, even though it's now 2 am and i see no parties. we're walking by alpha sigma phi when i hear a guy yelling for us to come over. i grab them and run over. look! a party! weeeee!

ok, so there weren't many people left. i danced with some guys. meghan turned into bartender. we're talking to this guy named brian, who was really nice. i run up to the bathroom, and when i come back down, rachel and brian are going at it. yay rachel! i'm drunk again at this point. i'm dancing with lia. meghan and i are drooling over hank. lia's drooling over squirrel bitch. hahaha. that's really funny, because he was kinda beat. i didn't realise this until later on, though, when i wasn't dancing with him.

anyway. i see this guy who's really pretty. brian knows him, he's a pledge at his chapter of alpha sig on NJIT's campus. i get introduced. his name is also brian. i talked to him for the rest of the nite. he was perfect. that's all i'm writing about him.

something really fucked up happened at squam, which is across the street from alpha sig. cops showed up. music went off, and eventually the guys from NJIT we leaving, so the girls and i left. we get back to meghan's dorm and the lounge was on fire, so we had to wait outside for a little while until we were allowed back in. went upstairs. ripped flyers off the walls and stuffed them down my shirt as presents for lia. ripped meghan's desk drawer out in attempts to find a pen. slept for 4 hours. train home. work. worst nite of work in my life.

HORRENDOUS hangover.

i wanna go back next weekend! weeeee!

<< | >>
ok goodbye forreal - 01.13.05
bye bye mess. - 01.05.05
hmm - 01.05.05
and the rest of you SUCK - 01.04.05
y'all missed out - 01.03.05


n e w . o l d . b o o k . n o t e s . e m a i l . p r o f i l e . m e . c a s t . p i c s . p a g e i n f o . d l a n d
b o t h h a n d s ,
p l e a s e u s e b o t h h a n d s
o h n o d o n t c l o s e y o u r e y e s