y o u r b o n e s h a v e b e e n m y b e d f r a m e
i a m s m a l l
a n d y o u r f l e s h h a s b e e n m y p i l l o w
11:57 p.m. || 10.19.03 || two seconds later: i'm not a sorostitute!

so, i'm going to talk about my weekend. stop reading if you don't want to hear about frats and drinking and sexual behavior.

soo i went up to rutgers again this weekend. i can't believe how much time i've spent there in the past 2 months when i couldn't stand it when i actually went there. friday nite, vicky, lia, steve and i went to this co-ed non-discriminatory [gay/lesbian]frat, gamma sigma. at first, i was sad because it was a toga party and there were so many beautiful men in togas, but half of them were gay. however, i eventually realised that not all the guys there were gay, so i got happy again.

by far, this was the most fun i've ever had at a frat party. the beer was bad, but the music was [eventually] hot, and i love dancing with my friends. we went to an all-girls catholic high school, therefore, we're used to being very close and open with each other. in other words, we have no problems dancing all up on each other when there's no one else to dance with at the moment.

i have to say right now, i love steve, because he kept getting us beer when we didn't want to stop dancing. and he saved me. this little small fucker whom i affectionately refer to as webster for completely non-PC reasons kept trying to dance with me. at first, i danced with him, because i felt bad, but eventually he just needed to back away from the merchandise. i was looking around for vicky or lia to give them the rescue-me-from-this-atrocious-guy signal, but they were no where in sight. then, steve literally appears out of no where, grabs me and starts dancing with me so that webster will got the hint and fucked off. i love steve.

anyway. nite goes on, i get more and more stupid. eventually, i have to go break the seal, so lia and i head to the bathroom where we run into this guy wearing a toga with marijuana leaves all over it. he told us his name, but i can't remember what it was. his rapper name, however, is jinx killah. i know. sad. anyway, he tells lia she can be in his music video if she can shake her ass. of course, being the wonderful woman she is, she screams "i can shake mah ass!" as he walks away. we leave the bathroom. which, by the way, is a nook in the corner of their laundry room with no. fucking. door, so a friend has to come with you to cover you up. we walk by jinx, and lia says hello. he asks her to dance. i, being the protective older friend hang around for a little and dance in front of her. jinx and i eventually go through a series of conversations with our eyes, i give permission, and walk away. two seconds later, they're sucking face against the dj booth. yay for my lia.

to quote...
lia: and you know that evverythign i did was over clothing, although he did not finish what he started
meghan : im disappointed that he left you unsatisfied
lia: oh lol. me too. ME TOO.
meghan : hahaha
lia: i rubbed his penis a little and i probably would've went further but he was wearing a toga
lia: and i didn't want it to fall off
lia: cause i wasn't sure if there was anything on underneath
lia: and i didn't want him to end up being naked

hahaha this is why i love her.


at this point, i'm dancing with vicky. this little short kid who had a nice looking face but shady corn rows like he was trying to be sean paul starts dancing with us. it was a man sandwich. i love me some man sandwiches. it really was, though. there was a guy behind vicky, vicky, sean paul boy, me, and then webster and this ghetto fab guy would switch off behind me.

somehow, i end up just dancing with ghetto fab guy. i'm surprised, because he's not my type at all. he wearing an ecko shirt and was just ghetto fab. don't know how else to describe it. he had really nice, creamy colored skin, so i'm thinking he had some latino mixed in. but anyway. so, i'm dancing in front of him. of course webster comes up in front of me and starts dancing. what the fuck. i can't get rid of this douchebag. he kept trying to go places he should not even think about going, so i turned around to face ghetto fab, and he went away. two seconds later, i get slammed up against the dj booth and alll hell breaks loose. i come up for air while ghetto fab is concentrating on other areas and look over to my left and see my lia still getting it on with jigga fizzle. oh excuse me, i mean, jinx killah. i was so proud. and happy to be sharing this very special moment with her.

sooo yeah. lots of vulgarity was happening with ghetto fab.
lia: now kristin
lia: the first guy, she ****** him *** and he satisfied her as well
and that's all i'll say.

the dj eventually tells everyone that the party is over and that all people not on the guestlist need to leave. he also says that we need to get a room. ha. ghetto fab and i break apart to clean up the damage [ie: button things up]. he's holding my hands and being cute, but i tell him that we're leaving because there was nothing else i was willing to do in a room full of people with him. i mean, what i did do was a little freaky to be doing in front of people anyway. so, i get some kisses goodbye, and my friends and i pretend to leave. when we're sure he's gone, we go back downstairs for the after party. two seconds later, i somehow start dancing with this guy, jeremy, who's a better kisser and has an emo fro. somehow i always find the emo boys at frats. anyway, i keep getting pushed back against the wall at regular intervals to make out with him. and then he leaves to go to the bathroom, but was too shy to come back over to me. his friend was dancing with vicky, and he kept telling me to go get him, but my philosophy is that the guy comes to get the girl. his friend tried to give me jeremy's number, but i wouldn't take it, because it's my philosophy that the actual owner of the number should give it to me. we eventually leave.

so, you're probably thinking that i'm a whore. but fuck you, cause it's my philosophy that i need to get it while i can. and two guys in one nite is a gold star in my book.

lia and i took the drunk bus home again. it wasn't as fun for me as the last time was, but lia enjoyed it as she got groped by an ugly drunk latino boy named henry who was using her knee as a bongo.

on saturday, we went to wyatt and chris's apartment. not as much fun for me, because there were no pretty boys to play with. but it was still a shitload of fun. we all sat around drinking 40s and eating pizza and playing kings. we played beer pong, too. lia spilt beer on her sock, so she replaced it with a paper bag. and then i ripped that off, so she replaced that with a plastic bag. i love that. wyatt was really drunk, and he kept playing with his nipples whenever it was my team's turn. i love drunk wyatt almost as much as i love drunk meghan.

i realised last nite that i honestly don't have feelings for chris anymore, and that makes me so happy. and so relieved.

now i'm home. just got home from work. work was pretty good tonite, i made about $95 in tips, $75 in cash. wee. i love money.

i might be going to boston this weekend with my family, as my brother's looking at MIT and northeastern. this is only if i can get someone to work for me on thursday. if i can't, i have to stay home. and i may have to go see meghan.

' all in all, it was a ghetto fabulous weekend. jigga fizzle for lia, ghetto fab boy for me, colt 45 and pizza.

i'm starting to feel like i'm neglecting my other friends because i haven't hung out with them in a while. i don't know what to do about it though. i don't have a car to go see gina. and the girls at rutgers are so readily available, always invite me up, and take me to really fun parties. i love all of my friends, and i'm sorry if i'm pissing any of them off. i'm sorry.

to end this on a good note, though, i'm having the most fun i've had in a while. i haven't been this consistently happy since i can remember. and that's a good thing. i really need it right now.

<< | >>
ok goodbye forreal - 01.13.05
bye bye mess. - 01.05.05
hmm - 01.05.05
and the rest of you SUCK - 01.04.05
y'all missed out - 01.03.05


n e w . o l d . b o o k . n o t e s . e m a i l . p r o f i l e . m e . c a s t . p i c s . p a g e i n f o . d l a n d
b o t h h a n d s ,
p l e a s e u s e b o t h h a n d s
o h n o d o n t c l o s e y o u r e y e s