y o u r b o n e s h a v e b e e n m y b e d f r a m e
i a m s m a l l
a n d y o u r f l e s h h a s b e e n m y p i l l o w
1:20 a.m. || 11.16.03 || THE ROSE!!!

work was eh tonite. kevin made me feel very appreciated, but i didn't make the usual amount of tips that past saturday shifts always brought in.

we're in the middle of our movie rush, and this guy comes in who looks just like josiah. i freaked out, ran away, almost started crying. i don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. it ended up not being him, he was wearing a dolce and gabbana sweater for christ's sake. still, i don't understand why i should be so upset by seeing him again. i was the one who ended things, it shouldn't be troubling to run into him again.

well, whatever.

jona's percocet was lovely, am getting more from her soon. shutup, i know you want to say something, so don't.

really adorable new guy on register. of course, he's gay, because i find him attractive. ain't that the way it always works?

stayed up reading for hours last nite. roland finally got to see the rose, so of course, that means i was sitting in bed at 4 in the morning sobbing like a little baby because it was that. beautiful. finally.

i was talking to my favorite person at work, scott, the other nite about ghetto fab. he gave me some great advice which i'd like to bestow upon anyone who cares: once is an accident. twice is a coincidence. three times is my own fault. so now i know. feel much better.

well, my book is calling, so i'm off. ta.

<< | >>
ok goodbye forreal - 01.13.05
bye bye mess. - 01.05.05
hmm - 01.05.05
and the rest of you SUCK - 01.04.05
y'all missed out - 01.03.05


n e w . o l d . b o o k . n o t e s . e m a i l . p r o f i l e . m e . c a s t . p i c s . p a g e i n f o . d l a n d
b o t h h a n d s ,
p l e a s e u s e b o t h h a n d s
o h n o d o n t c l o s e y o u r e y e s