y o u r b o n e s h a v e b e e n m y b e d f r a m e
i a m s m a l l
a n d y o u r f l e s h h a s b e e n m y p i l l o w
5:34 p.m. || 12.29.04 || oye mi canto

i love mexican food.

last night john took me out to dinner with his two sisters, jessy and jen, jen's boyfriend, jeff, and jen's married couple friends, doug and quiet girl [can't remember her name for the life of me]. we went to this mexican place around plymoth meeting where you get free margaritas with your dinner. and when i say free margaritas, i mean they give you a big glass filled with pucker-sweet margarita that they continuously refill throughout your dinner. oh yes. i got pollo loco. crazy chicken. it was quite good, especially since i was drunk on my second margarita refill. there was a quite flacid cactus on top of the toilet in the ladie's room. jessy took a picture, and i could kick myself for not taking one myself, because it really was that funny.

after i got home at 12:30, linh called me and invited me out to dark horse [a bar] with my old manager and another friend from cosi. i proceeded to get quite drunk.

i drank a lot last night... 2 margaritas with dinner, 2 lagers with john afterward, 2 lagers and 2 shots of jager at dark horse. and a bowl and a half at home. whew. linh threw up. it's surprising that i did not.

so, this is day one of unemployment. that's right, i quit my job at yann. EVIL FRENCH PASTRY SHOP. EVIL ANGRY EMPLOYEES. EVIL STUCK-UP, RICH CUSTOMERS. i hated it. for various reasons, i could no longer work there. one of those reasons being my father called and screamed at my boss and the assistant chef for a good 15 minutes. so... yeah. bye bye EVIL FRENCH PASTRY SHOP. arr.

what did i do today... hmm... um, nothing. i woke up at eleven. talked to john for a bit. sat in front of the computer for an hour downloading music for my new year's eve party - p.s. "oye mi canto" by n.o.r.e. is a fabulous song. juicy. any of you who are actually coming to my party, if you have any musical requests [including a drunken serenade of "o holy night" by yours truly], do comment and let me know what you want to hear.

what the hell is the name of that hip hop song with a sikh loop playing over the theme to nightrider? HELP PLEASE. it's driving me crazy. and all the people who would know are either not online or away.

anyway, after that, i got dressed and went to wawa and really wanted breakfast, but my unemployed self cannot afford the luxury of both breakfast and lunch, so i bought a sandwich and some yogurt and a diet coke with some cigarettes. i figure the yogurt can count as breakfast, sandwich and diet coke as lunch, and cigarettes as dessert. i only ate half of the sandwich and half of the yogurt, so now i have dinner, too. rock.

jeff's father and sister gave him a quarter ounce of weed for christmas. this is wonderful, but also bad since i can't afford to buy munchie food. that sucks, because eating while you're off your tits is one of the best parts of being stoned. oh well.

at least we have the first season of sea lab on DVD.

once again, in case any of you missed it, I AM SO POOR. i should call oprah and maybe she can send me money and put me on her show and then thousands of lonely housewives will send in money, too. hey, a girl can dream.

i'm really looking forward to new year's eve. it's turned into quite a mess, actually, what with people telling me that i need to talk to them next time i decide to have a party. WHICH IS SUCH BULLSHIT, by the way. i love that i need permission. isn't that fun? yeah. exactly. and now i'm being made to feel badly because i'm separating the group because i decided to have a party OVER A MONTH AGO. you know what? i'm done. i'm so done with some of these people. they don't seem to remember that i exist until i show up somewhere that i was invited to by a third party, and then it's all, oh my god, i missed you so much! if you missed me so damn much, how about picking up the phone once in a while? or not even that, why don't you try sending me an email or an IM. i mean, christ, throw me a fucking bone. if you're not going to put forth any effort, then don't expect me to, either. it's a two-way street. and they don't seem to realise how hurt i get when i hear about things that went on that i had no idea even happened. they don't even seem to care if i'm there or not, and they apparently can't stand me when i'm drunk, either. so, i'm done with fair weather friends. i won't continue to let them hurt me or make me feel like i'm peripheral and grey. because i. am. not. i am worth more than that, and thanks to meghan and john and my mother, i finally realised that. i am not peripheral and i am certainly not grey. i am bright and shiny and pink and sparkly and worthy of attention and feeling like i am wanted. and i am wanted by several people. so that's that. if they want to continue to be a friend, they can start to try and make me feel like that's really what i am. end of rant.

so, yes. i am very much looking forward to new year's eve. jeff, john, meghan, don, wyatt, vicky, rachel, joe, me, and a bottle of champagne. it is going to be fabulous and everyone else will just be missing out on all that warmth and love and fun. aaall riiight. giggidy giggidy.

i watch too much family guy.

once again, i need music suggestions for the party. submissions should be hot and juicy. thanks.

i'm gonna go do some shit. bye.

<< | >>
ok goodbye forreal - 01.13.05
bye bye mess. - 01.05.05
hmm - 01.05.05
and the rest of you SUCK - 01.04.05
y'all missed out - 01.03.05


n e w . o l d . b o o k . n o t e s . e m a i l . p r o f i l e . m e . c a s t . p i c s . p a g e i n f o . d l a n d
b o t h h a n d s ,
p l e a s e u s e b o t h h a n d s
o h n o d o n t c l o s e y o u r e y e s