y o u r b o n e s h a v e b e e n m y b e d f r a m e
i a m s m a l l
a n d y o u r f l e s h h a s b e e n m y p i l l o w
2:30 a.m. || 08.29.03 || this wasn't meant to be long

it's been too long, sorry. i've been so busy lately with work and getting ready for the cruise [4 days!]. my mom told me tonite we're taking a limo up to new york to the dock. i'm pretty amused by that. i mean, who gave me permission to sit my ass in a limo? i don't belong in a limo. i don't have class like that, haha.

anyway. what's happened since the last entry... i went to see cold and evanessence the other day. good show. i went to see cold, but i missed most of their show. i was busy getting autographs from the guys in revis [i'm having such fantastic luck with famous people lately...]. and let me tell you, if i was there alone, i would have been knocking something nasty with that bass player. the opportunity was there, but i decided against it. whew. god damn. anyway. after that, i went to catch my breath on one of the couches near the back of the place and at least listen to cold's set, but got accosted by a 17 year old metal head with that freaky buzzed on the bottom, long on the top ponytail thing going on. why do they flock to me?

other than that, nothing really exciting has happened. i've been working and sleeping. and working and sleeping. i got me a sugar daddy at work, though. this guy gave me $21 on a $7 bill and told me to keep the change. he also told me he'd be back to see me, but i tried to ignore the creepiness underlying that statement and just be grateful for the tip. my mom told me to give him a lapdance next time so he would hand over his checkbook. i love me mum.

i also finagled [conned is too heavy a word] a $13 tip out of party of 11. i charged them gratuity and circled the total in a way that slightly covered up the gratuity charge [even though it still said the word gratuity on it]. the gratuity came to about $6.50, and they must not have seen that, so they also left me $7. i got another %40 tip tonite, with no "finagling" on my part, but don't feel like going into it. basically, my sales tonite were only about $175, but i made over $90 in tips. wee hee.

my new name at work now is flo. scott [aka mel] dubbed me this name. jesse has become vera [or madge]. cameron is now maxine. my manager lisa is now wanda. jeff the dishwasher is cheryl. lori the psycho bitch with the napolean complex that no one at work likes was not awarded a new name. because we all can't stand her. she likes to play boss and says things like, "if we all can roll 6 silverwares, we'll be good to go." or "why don't we all fill one water pitcher." it may not seem bad to you, but it's the inflection. she stole my tray. she comes in one day and tells the one server who's actually cordial with her that she's "severely depressed today" and "doesn't have the energy to pick up for all the lazy people like" him. fuck her. she's not allowed to play with us.

i'm sad because jon from work left for england, and i didn't get to say goodbye. he gave the most amazing massages.

hey, guess what. i love my job.

i'm in the process of trying to get my brother into MIT. he needs a lot of work. i really want him to go there, though. he's so intelligent and would do so well there. it doesn't hurt that MIT is in cambridge, MA, which means i could frequently visit my favorite place on earth [boston] any time i wanted to... but that's not the point. i don't mind if he goes to UPenn, even if i can't stand most of the people there, but i think he would be so much more successful in MIT. honestly. which is why i'm helping him pull up his SAT verbal score and helping him with his essay. the only thing is, UPenn has early decision, not early action, which sucks on their part. MIT has early action. so, he basically has to chose one over the other even before he knows if he even got into either, because if he applies early decision to UPenn, and gets in, he has to go there. but if he doesn't apply early decision, there's less of a chance of him getting accepted. so, he's all confused, and i feel terrible for him.

i drink too much coffee at work.

i should go take some nyquil and try to fall asleep. i have work again tomorrow nite, let's hope it's as lucrative as tonite was.

nite all.

<< | >>
ok goodbye forreal - 01.13.05
bye bye mess. - 01.05.05
hmm - 01.05.05
and the rest of you SUCK - 01.04.05
y'all missed out - 01.03.05


n e w . o l d . b o o k . n o t e s . e m a i l . p r o f i l e . m e . c a s t . p i c s . p a g e i n f o . d l a n d
b o t h h a n d s ,
p l e a s e u s e b o t h h a n d s
o h n o d o n t c l o s e y o u r e y e s