y o u r b o n e s h a v e b e e n m y b e d f r a m e
i a m s m a l l
a n d y o u r f l e s h h a s b e e n m y p i l l o w
2:32 a.m. || 11.24.03 || boo to the hoo

what i really want to do right now is take the train up to rutgers. eat at their wendy's, cause i'm hongry. get a shower at lia's. take forever to get dressed. take the bus to college ave to meet meghan and vicky and whoever else. walk to a frat party. get drunk. dance. get low with lia [hahaha... only lia knows...] meet boys. walk back to clothier at quarter to 4 in the morning. laugh in meghan's room while she's trying to feed me a cupcake and i'm trying to update my party quotes without spelling 'snort' wrong. rip meghan's desk drawer out, land on a passed-out rachel who doesn't even notice i'm on her with a desk drawer, watch lia sit up in liz's bed and say, "what the FRUCK is going on!" run out of the building in a blanket and one sock because some drunk sorostitute pulled the fire alarm. giggle with lia and meghan about what a floozy i was that nite. take the drunk bus with lia back to her dorm. meet drunk beer pong tournament winners on the drunk bus who like to give running commentaries on the crazy driver's driving skills and end up doing spread eagles on the floor of the drunk bus as the driver decides to do a donut in the middle of busch campus at 4:30 in the morning. smoke one last cigarette. brush my teeth with lia in the 2nd floor bathroom because someone puked in the first floor bathroom while we inspect any exposed skin for markings from our night's conquest[s]. crawl into bed with the tv on because it lulls lia and i to sleep. wake up around 8 with lia practically on top of me because she can't sleep next to anyone without spooning, and that's just fine. wake up again around 1, meet everyone on busch for breakfast/lunch/whatever because busch's dining hall is so much better than brower. get in a car. go to philly. get something pierced. party all nite again. laugh at pictures. write down quotes. realise how much i love two special girls in my life and how much i've missed them.

<< | >>
ok goodbye forreal - 01.13.05
bye bye mess. - 01.05.05
hmm - 01.05.05
and the rest of you SUCK - 01.04.05
y'all missed out - 01.03.05


n e w . o l d . b o o k . n o t e s . e m a i l . p r o f i l e . m e . c a s t . p i c s . p a g e i n f o . d l a n d
b o t h h a n d s ,
p l e a s e u s e b o t h h a n d s
o h n o d o n t c l o s e y o u r e y e s